Want to wow your investors without spending months building a professional website?

Multifamily websites for the serious investor
More time, financial freedom
How to have a professional website without spending months
How to have a credibility-boosting website even if you’re not tech savvy
How to have a professional-looking, lead-capturing website in 3 days even if you struggle to check your email
…even if you hate technology

Do you know someone who has investors lined up, chomping at the bit to invest?

One of those guys who ‘does lunch’ with someone who just flew in from out of state to say, “I’m sorry I missed out on your last deal. Can I get in on the next one with only $150,000”?

Every deal they find, the capital is lined up and waiting for them!

Know one of those people?

I do. I know several.

Why’s it so easy for them? Why do they have capital knocking at the door, while the rest are hustling day and night and can’t seem to get ahead?

I found out what those successful syndicators did that made their capital raising appear so effortless.

and that is why I launched Apartment Investor Pro – a website solution for the serious multifamily investor.

In the course of these discussions, I learned a few key things preventing success from the hustlers.

There were some who tried to do it all manually, meeting people one at a time, person after person, with no follow up system or website in place – FB quote (why do you not have a website). All that travel & time away from their families, saying this is not what their financial freedom should look like!

I talked to newbies who had tried the DIY website solution. But when it came time for them to actually raise money – no one would take them seriously.

Even the more seasoned investors that tried to outsource, hiring so called “professionals” to build their website – they would make comments like.

Because they were trying to hire people on a freelancing site where the designer – even if you search and slash for someone fluent in English with appropriate experience, and then are willing to pay the exorbitant prices they demand – will still be completely clueless about what multifamily investing is and what a syndicator truly needs!

Some were stunted by one extreme or the other:

It’s stunningly beautiful. The colors and design are state of the art, but there’s no way to move forward on my investing journey. I guess I’ll look elsewhere. / It’s obviously some dude in his mom’s basement that slapped up a page DIY and I am not giving him my money.

When you try to get investors for a deal and they Google your name what will they see? A professional website that gives them confidence to work with you? Or one of these extremes? Or are they just going to see your social media accounts and wonder whether you really have a business?

One thing all these guys had in common – They were all so sick of feeling like they were not in control of their financial future.

But then I realized, these are the same problems that I’ve been helping single family investors with for nearly 20 years. Helping them get a credible presence online quickly, without all the hoops to jump through, all the content to write, all the hassle.
If my system worked for those guys and now they can capture leads, build trust and follow up, and still get a good night’s sleep…. While spending their weekends and evenings with the family… Couldn’t I adapt that system to something that would work for multifamily syndicators as well?

A professional online presence that allows potential investors to learn more about who you are and what you do without your time being involved. A way for people to decide that they trust you, and want to invest, even pre-qualify before you get on the phone with them. An automatic system that follows up with them and allows you, in your voice, to answer their questions in your sleep.

So you can have a pipeline of qualified investors waiting instead of pulling your hair out.

Where there’s a constant and automatic incoming flow of capital ready when you are, rather than scrambling to find investors at the last minute.

Having a pipeline / flow

Raising money is easy


This is a dummy testimonial and we can replace this dummy review with a real testimonial from one of your client .

Real Name – Location

This is a dummy testimonial and we can replace this dummy review with a real testimonial from one of your client .

Real Name – Location

This is a dummy testimonial and we can replace this dummy review with a real testimonial from one of your client .

Real Name – Location

This is a dummy testimonial and we can replace this dummy review with a real testimonial from one of your client .

Real Name – Location
That’s why I started Apartment Investor Pro, a website service for the serious investor.
There is no need to spend weeks creating content and going back & forth for countless revisions. The content has already been written from a thorough knowledge of multifamily. Your site can start working for you as soon as today. You can start sending your investors to your professionally-designed, lead capturing site to build trust and be free to focus your time and attention where it belongs.

Investors can contact you about their interest in investing.

Features of My Program


Professional pre-written content (or custom with Diamond). No need to spend weeks or months trying to get the wording right or hiring a writer who doesn’t understand multifamily syndication.


Pre-made design options (or custom with Diamond). Designed to make you look like a pro and eliminate any doubts about your credibility.


Lead capture forms. You don’t just want a pretty site, you want one that captures potential investors and puts them on your list.


Web hosting. Every website is hosted somewhere. We handle that so you don’t have to deal with making sure you’re on a reliable server, and don’t have the added expense.


SSL certificate. Having a secure website helps potential investors to trust you and your website.


20-minute onboarding call. We don’t leave you on your own. You can schedule an onboarding call to help you get familiar with your new website and get answers to your questions.


Connect to 3rd party services. Automate your business so new leads automatically get a follow-up and no one falls through the cracks.


Pre-written blog posts (Pro and higher). Producing content like blog posts is a great way to perceived as an authority. But you don’t have to start out with a blank slate. We have several professionally-written blog posts so your website has great content from Day 1.


SEO Tool (Pro and higher). If SEO is going to be part of your marketing plan, this tool will give you guidance about how to optimize your pages and posts for the keywords you want.


Lead Magnet (Executive and higher). Most people will leave a website without contacting you. Having a lead magnet (like a free report) that people can sign up for lets you capture their name and email, which gives you a way to follow up with them.


Email follow up series (Exec and higher). Start building a relationship with potential investors as soon as they sign up on your website. Educate them and introduce them to you and your company so they can start building trust with you on autopilot. We’ll not only personalize these emails for you, but also put them into your ActiveCampaign account so they follow-up messages will go out automatically.


Technical and security updates. We handle the behind-the-scenes software updates that must be done to keep your site working optimally and securely. (Core WordPress software updates + plugin updates)


Support for adding as many pages as you need.


Regular backups of your site with fully managed restoration in case disaster strikes. Sleep well knowing your site is backed up in case something goes wrong.


Unlimited email support. If you have questions or need help doing something with your site, we’ve got your back.


Preventative maintenance. We’re thinking ahead about what will help your site keep working well for you.


Website content updates and design tweaks (up to 1 development hour each month, depending on plan)
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Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident.
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Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident.
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